
Dog Love


There’s no love like dog love. Dogs love in the moment, unconditionally, and with great joy. I have had many dogs in my life or rather they have had me. Purchased dogs, chosen dogs and dogs who chose me have all been members of my pack. We have been to obedience school, dog park, tracking, agility class, the beach, long walks and rides in the car. As a young child I felt connected to animals, primarily dogs, cats and horses; I was attracted to their unconditional love. 

dog love photos

I communicate with my animals and they communicate with me, not necessarily with words as they are too smart for that. Dogs do not need words for the important communication. Recently I was reading an article that reminded me that if you want your dog to not bark, then you must first teach him to bark when you ask, so you can then ask him to be quiet when it is necessary. How is that not the same as humans, we spend hours getting babies to make sounds to later tell them to be quiet? Everyday is a great day with a dog.  

dog love photo Kate
Kate the Great

About the Author

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Charlotte Mabry, Ed.D.,CeFT, is the Founder of Delphi Wealth Management, a small RIA with a therapeutic approach to understanding our feelings and behavior about money https://delphimgmt.com/.  Established 2021.   You can reach her at charlotte@delphimgmt. or (615)210-5803 cell. 

I think meeting should be easy, not hard. I want you to feel comfortable. Finances are already tough enough.

I'll meet you wherever you are most comfortable (i.e. park, porch, your house, your office, etc.). I'll use words you understand to describe what you need and want to know.

No suits, no ties, no big, intimidating doors, no jargon.

I'm a Certified Financial Transitionist® who has a passion and skill for working with families, especially those with special needs.
Charlotte is a graduate of the School of Healing Arts, has studied Gestalt Therapy with Irv and Miriam Polster and wrote her dissertation on Locus of Control. 

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