Wealth Management for Creative Thinkers
Supporting smart financial decisions in the Nashville Area since 1982
We'll protect your money so you can concentrate on creating your best life
Delphi Wealth Management LLC was started to help individuals and families maintain and enhance the quality of their lives in a "family" way, not a Wall Street way.
I'm Charlotte Mabry, and I run the joint. I enjoy authentic, honest, conversation. And that is all that I require to help you.
I'm here to take care of your money concerns with integrity, honesty, and skill. My goal is to help you use your wealth to make a great life.

About Us
I think meeting should be easy, not hard. I want you to feel comfortable. Finances are already tough enough.
I'll meet you wherever you are most comfortable (i.e. park, porch, your house, your office, etc.). I'll use words you understand to describe what you need and want to know.
No suits, no ties, no big, intimidating doors, no jargon.
I'm a Certified Financial Transitionist® who has a passion and skill for working with families, especially those with special needs.
This house is something like 1200 years old and still looks amazing. I can help you get your financial house in order. I want to help you develop a plan of action for the future, the present, and to clean up financial issues from the past. I'll talk to the people you don't want to deal with for your sanity.
Life is complicated. Money makes it more complicated. I can help you manage your financial life no matter how complex.

Every parent looks at their child with health and promise for the future. Sometimes children are born with extra challenges. I can help you decide if you need a special needs trust or special educational plan.
Children represent hope. Sometimes making adjustments to your estate plan is necessary. I'll make it easy and adaptable to do what you need to do for your children's unique needs.
I've worked with many families as a special educator, a family therapist, and a fiduciary.

I'm not starry eyed, and I'm not money crazy.
Etta James