“Money is congealed energy until it is released into the universe, the act of which is a meditation in itself…”
Joseph Campbell, author of the Power of Myth and great 20th century philospher writer has encouraged all to examine allegorical characters. Money like love, is best if it touches as many people as possible. Don’t hoard your love, don’t hoard your money. Spending, giving, or investing money spreads it around.
We cannot exist in isolation without becoming stunted and losing our humanity. Solitary confinement is the cruelest punishment, because it denies the prisoner any humanity. Even introverts need community or they become bitter and rigid, they lose their humanity. Loneliness is the silent killer and fuels for many the dysfunction of overspending.
Can’t sleep? That’s why you have a giant waist belt that will magically make you thin or a food dehydrator when you have never even considered spending time in the wilderness. There are whole channels devoted exclusively to helping people spend their money. “Hey Joyce from Dayton, did your daughter LOVE that handbag in Black? Today, we have one just for YOU in Red at 50% off!!!!!” Joyce is on the phone and she gets to say her daughter loved the bag or that she Joyce decided to keep it for herself so now she HAS to buy one for her daughter! Whatever has happened to Joyce she HAS to get the Red bag to get Velma the salesperson on the Shop TV show to chat with her. This example is not exactly what Joseph Campbell was talking about.
Releasing Money into the universe is not the same as being pressured to buy to be part of the club or to be acknowledged by a face on TV. Buy enough stuff and you may get to be on TV again on a show dealing with hoarding. All the “stuff” represents moments of perceived joy with no purpose or long term payoff, except the need to buy more stuff to organize.
Releasing money is really more about sharing as we help the world. There are ads to assist you in “feeling good” about helping the world by sending money to sad eyed children and starving sick animals. Unfortunately, some of the best marketers of their cause, actually have a smaller % of dollars going to the identified cause.
And last but not least is TV God, you can be part of the love and light that keeps Tammy Faye in mascara as God would surely want you to do. If you send in $10.00 you will get a 10 cent prayer cloth ($3.95 shipping and handling) and you keep praying really hard, you will get that washing machine. You will still have to pay for the aforementioned washing machine, but the good Lord will send you to someone that will let you buy on time for 22% interest. Why do people fall for this?
People often spend money to “feel better”, forget their troubles or to feel included by the projection of their lifestyle. Few people ever consider that that that compulsion to “feel something good” is just like the “hole n Daddy’s arm where all the money goes.” (John Prine) You just can’t buy connection, or love or feeling good except for a nano second. Much like heroin, shopping is often an addiction which is a distraction from feeling bad or a very short and false experience of joy.
Read the [FREE] book that inspired this idea here.